Short-Circuit Current Calculation of Power System with Inverter-interfaced Energy Considered |
Du Gongyan,Cao Wei |
Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090 |
Abstract The transient characteristics of inverter interfaced energy with low voltage ride-through (LVRT) after the occurrence of power grid faults is firstly analyzed and compared with those of traditional rotating machine. It is presented that there are two major differences between these two kinds of generators, one of which is there is no DC component in the case of inverter interfaced and the other is the inverter can be assumed as current source with a sudden steady state current change when subject to grid fault, given the quick inverter’s current limiting dynamic neglected. Thus the traditional short circuit current calculation method which is based on the fact that the state variables of generators keep unchanged, cannot be applied to the grid with inverter interfaced generators because of the sudden change in steady state current of inverter. Then an improved method suitable for both the rotating machine generators and invert interfaced generators is proposed and programmed to calculate the short circuit current of power system. Lastly, the calculation results under various conditions are compared to prove the previous analysis and show the short circuit patterns for different kinds of generators and different calculation methods.
Published: 28 September 2015
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Du Gongyan,Cao Wei. Short-Circuit Current Calculation of Power System with Inverter-interfaced Energy Considered[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(9): 38-42.
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