Concentration Prediction of Dissolved Gases in Transformer Oil based on M-LS-SVR |
Li Hongchao, Wang Weigang, Dong Xuemei |
School of Statistics and Mathematics Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou 310018 |
Abstract To predict the concentration of dissolved gases in transformer oil, we proposed mixed least square support vector regression (M-LS-SVR) algorithm in this paper. This algorithm combined linear and nonlinear kernel functions as prediction function, the mixed scaling factor was chosen adaptively by real data. The experiment results showed that this method had less prediction error, lower complexity and better generalization ability than those of the current popular methods, such as BP neural network, support vector machine regression (SVR) and least squares support vector machine regression (LS-SVR).
Published: 13 January 2016
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Li Hongchao,Wang Weigang,Dong Xuemei. Concentration Prediction of Dissolved Gases in Transformer Oil based on M-LS-SVR[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(1): 76-80.
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