The Research of Flow Control Strategy in Inverter Parallel System |
Ling Wenqing, Zhu Longji, Yang Panpan |
College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan, Anhui 232001 |
Abstract In view of the system circulation in inverter parallel system , a control strategy for inverter parallel system based on decoupling control is presented, setting up an independent inverter voltage adjust circuit for each inverter, the inverter output voltage are equal by adjusting the inverter voltage, at the same time, use the double closed loop control method of voltage outer ring and inductance current inner ring to divide the load current, namely achieve the purpose of flow control. because of the independent control of inverter voltage regulation circuit, thus achieved decoupling of flow control in inverter parallel system. Simulation experiment is carried out under the Matlab/Simulink, and the simulation results confirmed that the decoupling control of parallel system has good flow ability and system circulation is smaller.
Published: 20 April 2016
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Ling Wenqing,Zhu Longji,Yang Panpan. The Research of Flow Control Strategy in Inverter Parallel System[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(4): 17-19.
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