Exploration for the System Breakdown Caused by Outside Trouble of Power Plant’s Internal-Combustion Generating Set |
You Jiaan |
Pakistan Saindak Copper Gold Project MCC Tongsin Resources Co., Ltd, Beijing 100028 |
Abstract This article is about power thoroughly off accident happened in the self-owned Power Plant, causing by the 5 sets 10MW internal-combustion engines output system breakdown. According to the system parameters taken during the accident, short circuit current calculate result and signal display situation and relay protection setting value, analyzed the whole procedure of the accident separately from system operation, relay protection action situation, as well as internal-combustion engine’s PLC control system trouble information etc, and determined the final reasons which caused the accident and worked out the improvement methods, and offered some reference for the engineers engaged in this industry.
Published: 27 July 2016
Cite this article: |
You Jiaan. Exploration for the System Breakdown Caused by Outside Trouble of Power Plant’s Internal-Combustion Generating Set[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(7): 105-109.
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