Research on Operation Characteristics of IBDG under the Asymmetric Fault Mode of Micro-grid and Current Limiting Protection Distortionless |
Zhang Rui, Gu Herong |
Hebei Province Key Laboratory of Electrical Engineering Power Electronics and Power Transmission (Yanshan University), Qinhuangdao, Hebei 066000 |
Abstract Safe and reliable operation of microgrid cannot do without precise control and protection. Due to the characteristics of the microsources of microgrid, the changes of the electric parameters of isolated microgrid under fault condition have a big difference with the traditional power grid. So it is essential to study the operation characteristics of IBDG under different fault conditions and their influence on the fault characteristics of microgrid system. This paper studied the operation characteristics of IBDG under asymmetrical fault modes of isolated microgrid, and the variation of the electric quantity is analyzed qualitatively. In the case of asymmetric fault, the comparison and analysis are made for the different current limiting methods. The analysis shows that the method of distortion-free current limitation can greatly reduce the harmonic component in the system. On the basis of analyzing the operation characteristics of IBDG under the fault conditions of microgrid, the fault characteristics of microgrid are also analyzed simply. a simulation model of microgrid made up of three inverters is established by using Matlab/Simulink simulation software, setting up the fault parameters and starting simulation, to verify the correctness of the theoretical analysis of the operation characteristics of IBDG and distortion-free current limitation under the fault conditions of microgrid.
Published: 24 November 2016
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Zhang Rui,Gu Herong. Research on Operation Characteristics of IBDG under the Asymmetric Fault Mode of Micro-grid and Current Limiting Protection Distortionless[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(11): 13-20.
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