Research on the Differentiation and Precision of the Crossing Overhead Transmission Line Measurement and Calculation |
Bian Yuping1, Zhang Baiqing2, Lu Qing3, Kang Yubin2, Xie Wei2 |
1. School of Electric Power Engineering; Nanjing Institute of Technology,Nanjing 211167; 2. Jiangsu Electric Power Company Maintenance Branch,Nanjing 211102; 3. Jiangsu Province Power Company Power Economic and Technology Institute,Nanjing 210009 |
Abstract In recent years, the State Grid Provincial Company has carried out much work experience, and has studied various methods for different situations, which can be used as reference for line design, construction, operation and maintenance and other relevant technical units. This paper described differential choice crossing transmission measurement and conversion methods and measures. When field measurement is difficult and requires sophisticated cross range conversion, this paper put forward a feasible method and developed a set of parameters for precise calculation, and through practical application, verify its feasibility and reliability. So that the scene of cross measurement more accurate and feasible, and improved the equipment of lean operation and management level.
Published: 20 January 2017
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Bian Yuping,Zhang Baiqing,Lu Qing等. Research on the Differentiation and Precision of the Crossing Overhead Transmission Line Measurement and Calculation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(1): 44-51.
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