Research on Inverter Control Strategy of PV Integrated into Distribution Network |
Jiang Rui, Jiang Tao, Xu Lei |
State Grid Anhui Electric Power Company Lu'an Power Supply Company, Lu'an, Anhui 237000 |
Abstract The topology of the photovoltaic inverter system has been introduced in this paper, based on mathematical model of the inverter filter, and in order to facilitate analysis, ABC in the three-phase static coordinate equation was simplified d-q mathematical equation under the two phase rotating coordinate system, structure and control parameters and control of the inverter design has carried on the simple introduction and from the principle of filter, principle of single type L and type LCL filter, this paper compares and analyzes on the design method, compared the traditional design method of step by step, this paper chose based on particle swarm optimization algorithm of parameter design method of new type LCL filter, and finally type LCL filter is verified by the simulation analysis of parameter design and the research of photovoltaic (PV) into the correctness of the inverter voltage control strategy of the distribution network.
Published: 22 January 2018
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Jiang Rui,Jiang Tao,Xu Lei. Research on Inverter Control Strategy of PV Integrated into Distribution Network[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(12): 81-85.
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