Fault analysis and simulation research of local power grid with local small hydropower |
Li Bo1, Mo Jiefeng1, Wu Hongwen1, Mo Jun2 |
1. Guangxi Power Grid Co., Ltd, Wuzhou Power Supply Bureau, Wuzhou, Guangxi 543002; 2. College of Electrical Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004 |
Abstract For 110kV terminal substation with small hydropower, when transient fault occurs in 110kV tie line, local small source needs to be disconnected, and then the responding circuit breaker will be reclosed to restore power supply when the condition of bus non-voltage is satisfied. There was an accident of circuit breaker reclosing failure in Taiping substation of Wuzhou power grid because of the action delay of fault disconnection device when a transient fault occurred in 110kV tie line. The action process of fault disconnection device and the reason of circuit breaker reclosing failure of tie line in 110kV Taiping substation were analyzed according to recorded fault data. Considering the problem of abnormal frequency locking, some solutions of improving device logic and settings were put forward and verified through fault simulation of local power grid with small source.
Received: 23 October 2017
Published: 18 April 2018
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Li Bo,Mo Jiefeng,Wu Hongwen等. Fault analysis and simulation research of local power grid with local small hydropower[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(4): 1-4.
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