The development and application of drop out fuse monitor system based on three-axises accelerometer |
Zhou Xiang1, Ding Yongsheng1, Zhu Feng2 |
1. Shanghai Zhixin Electric Co., Ltd, Shanghai 200335; 2. Shanghai Tiangui Electronic Technology Co., Ltd, Shanghai 201999 |
Abstract Drop out type fuse is a kind of common circuit short circuit protector. Due to broken fuse, system disconnection or short circuit in the practical application, the grid will go through wide spread break out, the fault will cause huge losses on the national economic. This paper, based on characteristic of 10kV rod drop out fuse failure, adopts low power consumption design and develop a 3-axes accelerometer system to monitor drop out fuse. And the fault analysis will be sent to the operation staff by mating terminal. The system can help quickly identify trouble spot on 10 kV rod, improve the reliability of power supply.
Received: 01 November 2017
Published: 21 May 2018
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Zhou Xiang,Ding Yongsheng,Zhu Feng. The development and application of drop out fuse monitor system based on three-axises accelerometer[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(5): 49-52.
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