The cause analysis of failure on non-disturbing stability control device in a factory |
Li Zhiqiang, Yang Yufeng, Tong Zhanfeng |
Shaanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co., Ltd, Jiaxian, Shaanxi 719208 |
Abstract The chemical industry has a high reliability requirement for power supply, and generally requires two independent power supply. When one power supply fails, the power supply to the whole plant can be quickly switched to another power supply. The 10kV busbar of a chemical plant is in the form of single mother, and there is a non-disturbing stability control device in the mother joint switch to ensure the continuous supply of power supply. In this paper is analyzed that the reason of the failure on Non-Disturbing stability control device in a factory, and put forward to some measures, ensure the Non-Disturbing stability control device is reliable operation.
Received: 11 February 2018
Published: 23 October 2018
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Li Zhiqiang,Yang Yufeng,Tong Zhanfeng. The cause analysis of failure on non-disturbing stability control device in a factory[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(10): 100-101.
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