Causes analysis and countermeasures of common problems in the underground construction temporary electricity |
Wang Zhouzhong, Hu Shunchang |
Unite 96783, Huaihua, Hu’nan 418000 |
Abstract Temporary electricity for underground construction is often in the harsh environments such as high temperature, high humidity, high dust and so on. In addition, underground construction has the characteristics of tight schedules, too many work surfaces, much intercross processes, frequent turnover of electricity equipment and other reasons. Beyond that, the situation of temporary electricity is changeable with many uncertain factors and large randomness. Therefore, the power consumption problems are so many all the time. On the basis of summarizing the common problems, the causes of the problems are analyzed and some feasible countermeasures are put forward in the paper.
Received: 28 January 2018
Published: 23 October 2018
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Wang Zhouzhong,Hu Shunchang. Causes analysis and countermeasures of common problems in the underground construction temporary electricity[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(10): 102-105.
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