The defects analysis of 35kV arrester on the basic of live detection technology |
Huang Lingzi, Liu Hao |
State Grid Xiangtan Power Supply Company, Xiangtan, Hu’nan 411100 |
Abstract It was introduced that a typical case of discovering arrester detect which was used by infrared thermal imaging and resistance current. The detection results were confirmed by de-energized tests and disassemble check. The reasons of the defects are that the valve plates at the middle and lower parts of the arrester are affected with damp and the drying of the insulating wood blocks of the base is not complete, resulting in corrosion of the base and damage to the insulation of the arrester. Resistance current with infrared thermal imaging can discover the inner defect of arrester effectively. Finally, suggestions on manufacturing, acceptance and live detections are put forward.
Received: 13 July 2018
Published: 15 January 2019
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Huang Lingzi,Liu Hao. The defects analysis of 35kV arrester on the basic of live detection technology[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(1): 112-115.
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