Influence of photovoltaic grid connected on relay protection of distribution network |
Zhang Jiao, Yang Shuai |
Foshan Power Supply Bureau, Guangdong Power Grid Company, Foshan, Guangdong 528000 |
Abstract The photovoltaic power is usually generated by the distribution network, and the distribution network after the grid will change, which causes the power flow distribution and the short circuit current to change, and then affects the normal operation of the relay protection equipment in the line. The influence of photovoltaic power supply on the relay protection in the circuit is studied. The influence of the different capacity of the power supply and the different position of the short circuit fault on the short circuit current of the power grid is obtained by simulation, and the effect on the three stage current protection is further studied.
Received: 05 July 2018
Published: 18 February 2019
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Zhang Jiao,Yang Shuai. Influence of photovoltaic grid connected on relay protection of distribution network[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(2): 85-88.
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