Analysis and treatment of grounding fault of 35kV single-core power cable metal shielding layer cross interconnection |
Deng Jun |
Central Substation of Yichang New Materials Industrial Park of Xingfa Group, Yichang, Hubei 443007 |
Abstract The metal shielding layer of AC single-core power cable will produce induced voltage during operation. In order to ensure the safety of personnel and the normal operation of the cable, the induction voltage of the metal shielding layer of the cable is generally limited within the allowable range through direct grounding, cross-connection grounding and other methods. However, in construction, due to some reasons, cross-connection errors will often occur, which will prevent the induction voltage of the metal shielding layer from being effectively limited, thus causing accidents such as cable burning and electric injury. Here, an example of a 35kV single-core power cable metal shielding layer cross-connection grounding fault is analyzed, and remedial measures are taken for the cross-connection grounding fault.
Received: 18 July 2018
Published: 18 February 2019
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Deng Jun. Analysis and treatment of grounding fault of 35kV single-core power cable metal shielding layer cross interconnection[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(2): 105-107.
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