Analysis of electromechanical small-signal stability of power system as affected by control-links of doubly fed induction generator |
Wang Ye1, Xu Maoda2, Hao Wenbo2, Liu Cheng1, Chen Xiaojie1 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering, Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin, Jilin 132012; 2. Electric Power Research Institute, State Grid Heilongjiang Electric Power Company, Harbin 150030 |
Abstract The high proportion of wind power grid-connected makes the traditional power system are increasingly transforming into power electronics systems. The analysis and control research of electromechanical small-signal stability of power system as affected by control-links of doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) becomes increasingly important. In this paper, a small-signal stability model considering the dynamic characteristics of the rotor-side converter of the DFIG is established. Through the combination of eigenvalue analysis and time domain simulation, the effects of DFIG participation in system oscillation and various control links inside the rotor-side on small disturbance stability are studied in order to judge the main control-link that affects the stability of the system. On this basis, power system stabilizers are added to different control links for comparison and verification, which provides a reasonable basis for the additional position of damping control. Based on the simulation example analysis of a four-machine two-region interconnected power system, it is shown that the influence of the control-link on the electromechanical time-scale on the small disturbance stability is more obvious than the non-electromechanical scale control-link. Adding power system stabilizers in this kind of control link is more helpful to improve small-signal stability of the power system.
Received: 14 February 2019
Published: 12 September 2019
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Wang Ye,Xu Maoda,Hao Wenbo等. Analysis of electromechanical small-signal stability of power system as affected by control-links of doubly fed induction generator[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(9): 31-38.
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