Optimal location selection of acceleration sensors for monitoring transformer core condition based on vibration signal analysis method |
Liu Shengjun1, Cheng Cheng2, Shen Chen1, Gong Lele1, Cai Xinjing2 |
1. Baoding Electric Power Supply Company, Hebei Electric Power Company, Baoding, Hebei 071051; 2. College of Electrical Engineering, Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin, Jilin 132012 |
Abstract Core looseness faults are common for transformers. When core looseness faults occur, vibration signals of iron core generated by magnetostriction are altered, and vibration signals of tank surfaces are altered as well. So it is feasible to use vibration method which is to analyze the vibration signals of tank surfaces to monitor transformer core condition. The vibration characteristics of a voltage regulator are derived at multiple points using acceleration sensors. The frequency spectrum of typical points are analyzed. The optimal location of acceleration sensors are found based on the law of the magnitude of vibration signals and the voltage squared. The structure of the voltage regulator is similar to that of a common wound-rotor asynchronous motor working at braking condition. Thus, working principles of both are also similar. So, it will no doubt provide reference for practical application of vibration method to monitoring transformer conditions.
Received: 25 December 2018
Published: 29 September 2019
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Liu Shengjun,Cheng Cheng,Shen Chen等. Optimal location selection of acceleration sensors for monitoring transformer core condition based on vibration signal analysis method[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(10): 6-10.
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