Development of single-stage single-phase boost inverter technology |
Huang Yanyao, Cai Gaochao, Chen Yiwen |
Fujian Key Laboratory of New Energy Generation and Power Conversion (Fuzhou University), Fuzhou 350116 |
Abstract Boost inverter has the characteristics of set-up ability in single-stage、high reliability when the load is short-circuited、long system life、the ability of making full use of light energy from weak light to strong light by controlling the input side energy storage inductor current in photovoltaic situations, etc.However, in the case of the traditional single-stage single-phase boost inverter, the energy storage inductor cannot be demagnetized in the buck interval, resulting in serious distortion of the output waveform. In response to this problem, a lot of research work on single-stage single-phase boost inverters have been carried out by domestic and foreign scholars. In this paper, improved control strategies based on traditional circuit topology and several novel single-stage single-phase boost inverter research schemes are presented, through the comparative analysis of the parameters and performance indexes of the research schemes, the conclusion is drawn.
Received: 25 May 2019
Published: 18 January 2020
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Huang Yanyao,Cai Gaochao,Chen Yiwen. Development of single-stage single-phase boost inverter technology[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(1): 1-6.
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