Study on the influence of vibration frequency on the reliability of railway relay contacts |
Chen Yize1, Cao Yundong1, Liu Wei2 |
1. Institute of Electrical Apparatus New Technology and Application, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang, 110870; 2. Shenyang Railway Signal Company Limited, Shenyang, 110025 |
Abstract Railway relays typically operate in a mechanical environment with vibration or shock, so the ability of the relay to withstand the mechanical environment is important to its contact system. This article takes S·JWXC-1000 railway signal relay as the research object, and the nonlinear change of the contact force of the dynamic and static contact is used as the basis for judging whether the contact is reliable. For the finite-structure contact spring system, modal analysis, harmonic response analysis and implicit power are adopted. The analysis algorithm is used to simulate the contact reliability of the contact spring system under different vibration loads by changing the vibration acceleration and vibration frequency. According to the simulation analysis, the contact spring force will be very unstable when it is close to the first-order natural frequency; the contact reliability is higher when it is far away from the natural frequency, but it appears in the frequency range of 70~90Hz. Unstable-tends to be stable→unstable→stable contact contact force changes. The research results can provide some reference for the vibration reliability of railway-related low-voltage electrical appliances.
Received: 05 December 2019
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Chen Yize,Cao Yundong,Liu Wei. Study on the influence of vibration frequency on the reliability of railway relay contacts[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(6): 19-25.
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