A waveform classification method for transient state waveform recording type fault indicator |
Chen Leigang, Qin Minghui, Wang Kaishun |
CSG Smart Science&Technology Co., Ltd, Hefei 230088 |
Abstract In order to solve the problems of large base number, low qualification rate and time-consuming and laborious of sequential analysis caused by current transient state waveform recording type fault indicator waveform synthesis, a waveform classification method is proposed and a large number of simulation tests are carried out in the test environment. The results show that this method can quickly screen out the wrong waveforms in a large number of waveform data, classify and process according to the characteristics of the wrong waveforms, improve the efficiency of waveform detection, and help to improve the accuracy of fault location in the distribution main station.
Received: 20 February 2020
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Chen Leigang,Qin Minghui,Wang Kaishun. A waveform classification method for transient state waveform recording type fault indicator[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(8): 125-129.
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