Case analysis of station ground overcurrent protection acting caused by circulation current of electrode line |
Li Lin, Fu Guangxu, Gong Fei, Zhao Senlin |
NR Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102 |
Abstract The station ground overcurrent protection acting occurred in the station grounding overcurrent test on Belo Monte II HVDC RTDS simulation system. Firstly, the test waveform and the HVDC current circuit are analyzed, and it is pointed out that the grounding electrode line circulating current is the direct cause of protection acting. Secondly, the circulating current circuit model is established, and the correctness of the circulating current circuit model is verified by curve fitting, and the fitting value of the energy storage component in the circulating current circuit is given. Further, it is pointed out that the conductance of grounding wire in RTDS model affects the capacitance coupled into the circuit, which leads to the generation of grounding electrode line circulating current. Finally, the conductance of grounding electrode line in RTDS model is set reasonably, which makes the station ground overcurrent protection test achieve the expected results. The analysis conclusion has the certain reference significance for HVDC experiments based on RTDS simulation system.
Received: 05 February 2020
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Li Lin,Fu Guangxu,Gong Fei等. Case analysis of station ground overcurrent protection acting caused by circulation current of electrode line[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(8): 118-124.
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