Key technologies of intelligent operation and maintenance and their applications in urban rail transit substation |
ZHANG Chunxiao1, LI Guoyu2, GE Huan1 |
1. Shanghai Sieyuan Hongrui Automation Co., Ltd, Shanghai 201108; 2. Qingdao Metro Group Co., Ltd, Qingdao, Shandong 266000 |
Abstract Based on the analysis of the operation and maintenance status of urban rail transit substation, the key technologies of digitization, intelligence, remote and visualization of operation and maintenance are studied, and a joint inspection system based on artificial intelligence analysis technology is developed. The system integrates the multi-source data of the whole station, realizes the overall perception of the state of the equipment through various advanced sensors and acquisition equipment, and constructs a three-dimensional inspection system with track robot and fixed point camera to realize intelligent inspection, intelligent operation, intelligent linkage and intelligent security.
Received: 15 December 2020
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ZHANG Chunxiao,LI Guoyu,GE Huan. Key technologies of intelligent operation and maintenance and their applications in urban rail transit substation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(4): 86-90.
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