Design and implementation of a wireless temperature measurement system |
CHI Dongliang, LI Longlong, SHU Pengfei, XIONG Shuhai |
CSG Intelligent Electrical Technology Co., Ltd, Hefei 230088 |
Abstract In order to reduce the installation difficulty and improve the universality of the temperature measurement system, a wireless temperature measurement system is designed. The temperature measurement system is composed of a master temperature collection unit and a slave temperature sensing unit. The master temperature collection unit and the slave temperature sensing unit communicate through radio frequency (RF) wireless mode. The overall scheme design, hardware design, software design and appearance structure design of the system are introduced. The system is simple in installation and suitable for different equipment in the field, and has the characteristics of low power consumption and easy maintenance.
Received: 19 October 2020
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CHI Dongliang,LI Longlong,SHU Pengfei等. Design and implementation of a wireless temperature measurement system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(6): 7-11.
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