Parameter identification of oil paper insulation equivalent circuit of transformer and new feature extraction based on TLS-ESPRIT |
SU Kaiqiang, LIU Qingzhen |
College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108 |
Abstract The key to study the aging characteristic of oil-paper insulation of transformer by using dielectric response method is to accurately identify the equivalent circuit parameters and the characteristic quantity. Aiming at the limitation of the existing identification methods, a TLS-ESPRIT algorithm based on the ratio of adjacent singular values is proposed. Firstly, the Hankel matrix is constructed by depolarized current. Then the relaxation path number is determined according to the ratio of adjacent singular values. Finally, the equivalent circuit parameters are identified by total least squares-estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance technique (TLS-ESPRIT) algorithm. Simulation and actual measurement show that this method can accurately and uniquely identify parameters and has good noise resistance. Then, two new characteristic parameters, the initial slope of depolarization energy and the half-life of depolarization energy, are proposed by the method. The statistical analysis shows that the new characteristic parameters can effectively reflect the aging degree of oil paper insulation.
Received: 26 January 2022
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SU Kaiqiang,LIU Qingzhen. Parameter identification of oil paper insulation equivalent circuit of transformer and new feature extraction based on TLS-ESPRIT[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(7): 89-96.
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