Research on discharge characteristics of the equalizing ring under the influence of the adjacent suspension |
MA Yongfu1, BAO Zhenghong1, WANG Shengjie1, LI Simeng2, REN Jiyun1 |
1. State Grid Qinghai Electric Power Research Institute, Xining 810008; 2. Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049 |
Abstract During the on-site AC withstand voltage test, the influence of the suspension within the safe distance of the pressure equalizing ring on the top of the tested equipment is still unclear, it is important to carry out research on the discharge characteristics of the pressure equalizing ring under the influence of the adjacent suspension so as to improve the efficiency of the test significance. In this paper, a simulation test platform based on the power frequency test transformer is built first, and the maximum discharge distances under 12 working conditions of three voltage levels of 750kV, 330kV and 110kV are obtained through repeated tests. Secondly, a three-dimensional model is established, and the simulation calculation the maximum electric field in space, the surface potential of the suspended body and its distribution rules during the test are mastered, and the simulation model is universal by introducing the correction coefficient and its fitting calculation. Finally, it is considered that the voltage frequency of the on-site AC withstand voltage test is not 50Hz. At present, the correlation study between the air breakdown discharge characteristics and the test voltage frequency is carried out, and the relationship curve between the maximum discharge distance and the test frequency is obtained. The research results further improve the on-site withstand voltage test system, and provide technical support for such tests in the future.
Received: 05 May 2022
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MA Yongfu,BAO Zhenghong,WANG Shengjie等. Research on discharge characteristics of the equalizing ring under the influence of the adjacent suspension[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(10): 27-32.
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