Sweep frequency impedance analysis of transformer winding based on three-phase three-winding equivalent network |
XING Ya1, HOU Feng1, MAO Yanrong1, YAN Jingdong1, REN Fuqiang2 |
1. Training Center of State Grid Ningxia Electric Power Co., Ltd, Yinchuan 750011; 2. School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University, Ji'nan 250061 |
Abstract The sweep frequency impedance (SFI) method is widely used in the field of transformer winding deformation detection. At present, most simulation studies on SFI are based on the simplified model of winding, which induces that the changes of SFI curves are hard to be evaluated when faults occur on other windings. Based on a three-phase three-winding transformer, this paper builds its intact three-phase three-winding equivalent resistance-inductance-capacitance (RLC) parameter model and the simplified single-phase three-winding one. By analyzing the high-to-medium SFI curves of the two models, it is found that the simplified single-phase model contains incomplete information about the mechanical condition of the windings. Finally, based on the intact three-phase three-winding RLC parameter model, the variation trends of SCI curves when short-circuit faults occur on different windings are studied and the correlation coefficients are also calculated, so as to assess the influence of the faults of different windings on SFI curves.
Received: 15 June 2022
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XING Ya,HOU Feng,MAO Yanrong等. Sweep frequency impedance analysis of transformer winding based on three-phase three-winding equivalent network[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(1): 10-16.
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