Analysis and discussion on the protection method of single-phase grounding at the end of the cable of non-grounded power system |
LI Yi1, XIE Tiebing2, LEI Yang3, ZHAO Weigang1 |
1. Xi'an Yitong Thermal Technology Service Co., Ltd, Xi'an 710032; 2. Hua'neng Luoyang Thermoelectric Co., Ltd, Luoyang, He'nan 471000; 3. Xi'an Thermal Power Research Institute, Xi'an 710032 |
Abstract In the 6kV to 35kV voltage level non-grounded power system, the cable terminal or intermediate joint is frequently affected by the on-site manufacturing and installation process, and single-phase grounding fault is more common. In order to remove single-phase grounding faults timely and effectively, this paper proposes a zero sequence current differential protection method for cable end single-phase grounding fault, analyzes the differential characteristics of different grounding modes, and describes he configuration and setting of the protection. This protection method is simple to realize and has certain practical value.
Received: 30 August 2022
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LI Yi,XIE Tiebing,LEI Yang等. Analysis and discussion on the protection method of single-phase grounding at the end of the cable of non-grounded power system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(1): 76-80.
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