Design and implementation of distributed photovoltaic control platform |
TAN Dashuai, DAI Bin, GUO Gang, TIAN Youjia, WANG Shuai |
Tianjin Puxun Power Information Technology Co., Ltd, Tianjin 300192 |
Abstract Under the background of “double carbon” and new power system construction, the access proportion of distributed photovoltaic is constantly increasing, which has a strong impact on distribution network voltage, dispatching operation and peak shaving. This paper designs a distributed new energy management and control platform with a three-layer architecture including the perception layer, platform layer and application layer, designs a small capacity residential photovoltaic and large capacity industrial and commercial distributed photovoltaic local and remote communication scheme, studies the construction of distributed photovoltaic acquisition model, multi-source data fusion estimation, distributed new energy oriented active and reactive power optimization control and other key technologies, and realizes the ob-servable and measurable value of small capacity residential photo- voltaic and the observable, measurable, adjustable and controllable value of large capacity industrial and commercial distribution photovoltaic. The platform has been technically verified in Tianjin Binhai area, with good effect and certain promotion value.
Received: 31 October 2022
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TAN Dashuai,DAI Bin,GUO Gang等. Design and implementation of distributed photovoltaic control platform[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(2): 41-51.
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