Non-disassemble insulation measurement method of electric vehicle battery based on charging pile |
XIONG Gang, ZHANG Yunqu |
Fujian Nebula Electronics Co., Ltd, Fuzhou 350015 |
Abstract In recent years, with the rapid increase in the number of electric vehicles and the continuous improvement of battery voltage platforms, the insulation safety issue of electric vehicles has become increasingly important. How to confirm the insulation measurement function and measurement accuracy of electric vehicles without disassembly has become a difficult problem. Existing charging pile side mainly uses unbalanced insulation measurement methods, which cannot obtain accurate insulation impedance of automotive batteries. For this reason, this paper conducts an in-depth study of existing insulation measurement methods and equivalent circuits, and proposes a new measurement method based on the existing insulation measurement module in the charging pile. This scheme realizes the detection of non-dismantling insulation resistance of electric vehicles. The simulation results show that the new measurement method has high accuracy and has little impact on the insulation protection function of the battery pack. The method proposed in this paper can confirm the battery insulation measurement function and measurement accuracy, and can achieve real-time safety monitoring of the charging pile end, thus improving the safety of the battery charging process.
Received: 02 March 2023
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XIONG Gang,ZHANG Yunqu. Non-disassemble insulation measurement method of electric vehicle battery based on charging pile[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(5): 46-51.
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