Research on the grounding method of 35kV single core cable sheath in subway based on the analysis of induced voltage electric shock events |
ZHU Lijiao, CHENG Jinran, YIN Xingjian |
Kunming Metro Operation Co., Ltd, Kunming 650000 |
Abstract Based on the analysis of induced voltage electric shock events, and based on the selection principles of the grounding method for 35kV single core cables sheath and the calculation of the sheath induced potential, a reasonable grounding method for the 35kV single core cable sheath in the subway power supply system is proposed to reduce system failure rate and optimize equipment management and operation.
Received: 04 September 2023
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ZHU Lijiao,CHENG Jinran,YIN Xingjian. Research on the grounding method of 35kV single core cable sheath in subway based on the analysis of induced voltage electric shock events[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(11): 81-84.
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