Study on long-term live test for ±550kV DC gas insulated switchgear |
YAO Xuan1, NAN Zhenle1, DU Wenjuan1, ZHANG Boya2, LI Yixuan2 |
1. Xi’an XD Switchgear Electric Co., Ltd, Xi’an 710077; 2. State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049; |
Abstract The existing converter platform of the offshore wind power all adopts conventional open equipment and electrical connection layout, which occupies the large space. In order to reduce the platform space and weight, the DC gas insulated switchgear (GIS) is used to replace the original open equipment. Insulation parts operate under the unipolar DC voltage for a long time, which generates surface charge accumulation, thus changing the electric field distribution and reducing the flashover voltage. There is no international and domestic standard for DC GIS, and systematic test guidance and operation experience are short. The long-term live test (prototype installation test) can effectively verify the reliability and stability of DC GIS. This paper focuses on the long-term test scheme and prototype, based on the multi-physical field coupling simulation, proposes the test scheme, and designs the prototype form.
Received: 03 November 2023
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YAO Xuan,NAN Zhenle,DU Wenjuan等. Study on long-term live test for ±550kV DC gas insulated switchgear[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(3): 46-52.
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