Research on communication performance testing of wireless sensor networks for power transmission and transformation scenarios |
HUANG Zhen1, JING Yuankun2, YAN Ke1, REN Chunmei1 |
1. Xuchang KETOP Testing Research Institute Co., Ltd, Xuchang, He’nan 461000; 2. Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong 519088 |
Abstract The application of wireless sensor network in the field of status monitoring of power transmission and transformation equipment can effectively improve the efficiency of power grid operation and realize higher economic value and social benefits. By analyzing the communication characteristics of wireless sensor networks in power transmission and transformation scenarios, a communication performance test method is proposed in this paper. A closed-loop test platform is constructed to test and verify the key indexes such as access capacity and network performance of wireless sensor networks. The results show that the proposed method can effectively evaluate the terminal access and data transmission capacity of wireless sensor network, which can provide technical support for the promotion of wireless sensor network in power system.
Received: 02 November 2023
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HUANG Zhen,JING Yuankun,YAN Ke等. Research on communication performance testing of wireless sensor networks for power transmission and transformation scenarios[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(3): 53-57.
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