Optimization and renovation of HXD2 locomotive high voltage insulation detection circuit |
ZHU Jia, YU Baohua |
CRRC Datong Co., Ltd, Datong, Shanxi 037038 |
Abstract In this paper, the system composition and working principle of HXD2 locomotive high voltage insulation detection device are introduced, and the problems existing in the high voltage insulation detection device are pointed out. In order to effectively prolong the service life of the high voltage insulation detection device and improve the locomotive service rate, the optimization scheme of HXD2 six-axle locomotive high voltage insulation detection circuit is put forward.
Received: 16 April 2024
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ZHU Jia,YU Baohua. Optimization and renovation of HXD2 locomotive high voltage insulation detection circuit[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(8): 71-74.
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