Automatic generation of power grid substation diagram driven by historical data |
CHEN Lianjie1,2, SI Peng1,2, GAO Yuan1,2, SU Yunguang1,2, PENG Hui1,2 |
1. NARI Group Corporation (State Grid Electric Power Research Institute), Nanjing 211106; 2. NARI Technology Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211106 |
Abstract Based on the analysis of typical wiring mode and characteristics of the power grid substations, the automatic generation of power grid substation diagram is studied without topology information,considering the historical model and graphics data in the power grid. Topological relationships are constructed using dual naming conventions. By analyzing the composition structure of the graphic bays in historical diagrams, the feature library is constructed automatically to provide a data basis for the drawing of the target substation bays. Based on feature vector and sub-graph matching algorithms, feature template matching is carried out, and layout algorithms based on graphic templates and interval templates are studied to achieve automatic graphic generation driven by historical data, so as to achieve the purpose of the integrated construction of the power grid power substation diagram. It can be used to provide a great assist on daily maintenance for automation personnel. In actual project application, the automatically generated diagrams meet the requirements.
Received: 24 April 2024
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CHEN Lianjie,SI Peng,GAO Yuan等. Automatic generation of power grid substation diagram driven by historical data[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(9): 56-64.
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