Finite element analysis of the structure of drone-assisted backup protection device for work on transmission lines at heights |
QIAO Pifan, CHEN Dianpeng, YU Xin, ZHANG Lei, WANG Liyong |
State Grid Weifang Power Supply Company, Weifang, Shandong 261021 |
Abstract Currently, personnel engaged in work on transmission lines at heights primarily use a double-hook system or safety belts with secondary protection ropes for alternating protection when climbing poles and towers. In response to issues such as high labor intensity and low work efficiency associated with these operations, a drone-mounted bracket for secondary fall protection during work at heights is designed. This bracket, delivered by a drone to an appropriate position on the power pylon, works in conjunction with insulating ropes to provide fall protection for personnel climbing the tower, effectively reducing labor intensity and the safety risks associated with falls from heights. In this paper, vector form intrinsic finite element (VFIFE) models are applied to study the drone-assisted backup protection device for aiding in equal potential operations. Initially, a VFIFE-based motion control equation for the equal potential operation auxiliary tool is established. Subsequently, the central difference method is employed to solve for the structure's dynamic response. The conclusion reached is that the structural design of the drone-assisted tool for work at heights is rational and effective under both static and combined static and dynamic load conditions. It can serve as an efficient fall protection device, significantly enhancing operational safety.
Received: 02 August 2024
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QIAO Pifan,CHEN Dianpeng,YU Xin等. Finite element analysis of the structure of drone-assisted backup protection device for work on transmission lines at heights[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(10): 62-66.
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