3G Wireless Video Surveillance Application Distribution Network for Construction Process Remote Security <br/>Management and Control |
Luo Weijian, Cai Yingxun, Weng Zhijiang |
Shunde Power Supply Bureau, Foshan, Guangdong 528300 |
Abstract For enjoy grid engineering construction points more surface wide, duration short, monitoring difficulties, features, this made has a application 3G wireless network technology, through building 3G wireless video monitoring system achieved enjoy grid engineering of wireless far distance security tube controlled mode, and from system building, and application situation, and application prospects, aspects for has system of describes, for powered enterprise created has a application security technology formed wireless monitoring system achieved engineering security tube controlled of effective mode.
Published: 10 October 2013
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Luo Weijian,Cai Yingxun,Weng Zhijiang. 3G Wireless Video Surveillance Application Distribution Network for Construction Process Remote Security <br/>Management and Control[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(10): 71-73.
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