Analysis and Comparison of the Simulation for Distribution Network Fault in Small Current Grounding based on PSCAD and RTDS |
Wang Bo |
Electric Power Research Institute of Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau Co., Ltd, Guangzhou 510410 |
Abstract Distribution network in China commonly used in the small current grounding. Although this grounding mode can improve the power supply reliability of distribution network, the fault signal feature is is difficult to extract and capture when the single-phase grounding fault happens. By using the simulation software can simulate the extraction and analysis of fault signal,we can also simulate the distribution network of small current earth fault. By randomly selecting two fault conditions and building the corresponding distribution network simulation model. Through analysis of two kinds of simulation software simulation results, the paper finally draws the relevant conclusions.
Published: 05 November 2014
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Wang Bo. Analysis and Comparison of the Simulation for Distribution Network Fault in Small Current Grounding based on PSCAD and RTDS[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(08): 7-10.
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