Distributed Generation Autonomous Decentralized Dispatch Control Method Research |
Gu Bochuan1, 2, Huang Jinhua1, Liu Fei1 |
1. Electric Power Research Institute of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, Guangzhou 510080; 2. Key Laboratory for Power Grid Automation of China Southern Power Grid Corporation, Guangzhou 510080 |
Abstract An autonomous decentralized dispatch control method and coordinated control strategy is proposed for the feature of distributed generation operation and the deficiencies of centralized dispatch control mode. In this mode, distributed generation point as isomorphic node is accessed data field of autonomous decentralized system, which has excellent online scalability. The system uses coordinated control strategy to realize self-control based on data-driven approach. By comparing with centralized dispatch mode, the results verify the validity of autonomous decentralized dispatch control method.
Published: 10 February 2015
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Gu Bochuan,Huang Jinhua,Liu Fei. Distributed Generation Autonomous Decentralized Dispatch Control Method Research[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(02): 23-26.
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