北京送变电公司,北京 102401
Discussion on the Construction Technology of Optical Fiber Composite Overhead Ground Wire OPGW
Zhang Fuquan
Beijing Electric Power Company, Beijing 102401
摘要 光纤复合架空地线OPGW具有较高的可靠性、优越的机械性能、成本较低的显著特点,在新敷设或更换现有地线时更加经济适用。本文在分析OPGW光缆结构和适用特点的基础上,阐述了OPGW光缆的架设常用方法张力放线法,并具体分析了展放、放线、配套金具安装、余缆处理等施工控制要点,指出了安装过程中应该注意的事项,具有实用的工程指导意义。
关键词 :
张力放线法 ,
输电线路 ,
Abstract :The optical fiber composite overhead ground wire OPGW has high reliability, excellent mechanical properties, low cost characteristics, in the new installation or replacement of existing ground more affordable. Based on the analysis and application characteristics of OPGW cable structure, expounds the methods to set up OPGW cable tension stringing method, and analyzes the spreading, actinomyces, fittings installed, residual cable processing, construction control points, points out the matters needing attention during the installation process, which has practical engineering guide significance.
Key words :
tension stringing method
transmission line
Yu cable
出版日期: 2013-07-25
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