周梅辉, 吴章标, 蒋顺, 余勇波, 缪峰
中国人民解放军95275部队, 广西 柳州 545005
Research on the Realization on SVPWM Based on TMS320C6747
Zhou Meihui, Wu Zhangbiao, Jiang Shun, Yu Yongbo, Miu Feng
Department of 95275 of PLA, Liuzhou, Guangxi 545005
摘要 空间矢量脉宽调制(Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation)是逆变系统设计的是重要方法之一,本文详细介绍了SVPWM方法,探究了使用数字信号处理器TMS320C6747生成SVPWM波的方法和实现过程。对SVPWM实现的软件和硬件均进行了设计,并在此基础进行了实验,实验表明该逆变系统的具有良好的可行性、有效性和可靠性。
关键词 :
数字信号控制器 ,
空间矢量脉宽调制 ,
Abstract :Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM ) is a important method in the design of inverter, this paper introduced the SVPWM, discussed the steps in realization of SVPWM based on the controller of TMS320C6747. Designed the hardware and software for the SVPWM, and experiment results shows that the system is reliable , effective and easy for realization.
Key words :
digital Signal Processor(DSP)
space vector pulse width modulation(SVPWM)
AC servo system
出版日期: 2013-10-10
作者简介 : 周梅辉(1985-), 男, 工学硕士, 助理讲师。
周梅辉, 吴章标, 蒋顺, 余勇波, 缪峰. 基于TMS320C6747的SVPWM实现方法研究[J]. 电气技术, 2013, 14(09): 10-12.
Zhou Meihui, Wu Zhangbiao, Jiang Shun, Yu Yongbo, Miu Feng. Research on the Realization on SVPWM Based on TMS320C6747. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(09): 10-12.
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