颜诚1, 3 , 吴文宣2 , 范元亮3 , 蔡金锭1
1. 福州大学电气工程与自动化学院,福州 350108; 2. 福建省电力有限公司,福州 350001; 3. 福建省电力科学研究院,福州 350007
Research Summary of Power CPS
Yan Cheng1, 3 , Wu Wenxuan2 , Fan Yuanliang3 , Cai Jinding1
1. College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108; 2. Fujian Electric Power Co., Ltd, Fuzhou 350001; 3. Electric Power Reserch Institute of Fujian Electric Power Co., Ltd, Fuzhou 350007
摘要 电力信息物理融合系统(CPS)是电力系统的一个全新领域,并对国民经济和社会发展影响重大。本文首先介绍了电力CPS的概念、特征和结构模型,接着从基础理论和应用研究两方面综述了电力CPS的研究现状,包括建模理论、系统框架、仿真技术、安全性与可靠性及能源互联网等方面,最后,总结了电力CPS的几点发展趋势,并提出了发展建议。
关键词 :
电力CPS ,
建模仿真 ,
安全性 ,
可靠性 ,
Abstract :Power cyber-physical systems (CPS) are a new field of power system,and has great influence on national economy and social development. The concept, characteristics and structure model of CPS are first presented. Then, the research status of power CPS is summarized from the basic theory and application research, including modeling theory, system framework, simulation technology, security and reliability, and energy Internet. Finally, the development trends of CPS are discussed, and some suggestions are provided.
Key words :
power CPS
modeling and simulation
energy internet
出版日期: 2017-06-28
作者简介 : 颜诚(1993-),男,硕士研究生,浙江金华人,研究方向为电力CPS规划。
颜诚, 吴文宣, 范元亮, 蔡金锭. 电力CPS研究综述[J]. 电气技术, 2017, 18(6): 1-7.
Yan Cheng, Wu Wenxuan, Fan Yuanliang, Cai Jinding. Research Summary of Power CPS. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(6): 1-7.
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