张龙1 , 黄亭2
1. 国网西安供电公司,西安 710032; 2. 陕西送变电工程有限公司,西安 710014
Simulation study of new overvoltage protection device based on hybrid valve plate
Zhang Long1 , Huang Ting2
1. State Grid Xi’an Power Supply Company, Xi’an 710032; 2. Shaanxi Power Transmission and Transfer Engineering Co., Ltd, Xi’an 710014;
摘要 碳化硅(SiC)避雷器和氧化锌(ZnO)避雷器是过电压防护的主要设备。本文分析了基于SiC及ZnO混合式阀片的新型过电压防护装置及其阀片的组合方法;通过电磁暂态仿真软件模拟实际变电站中可能出现的雷击事故,分析SiC避雷器、ZnO避雷器及新型过电压防护装置的电压、电流特性,并对3种避雷器所吸收的能量以及温升进行综合对比。仿真结果证明,新型过电压防护装置的性能优于SiC避雷器和ZnO避雷器。
关键词 :
变电站 ,
过电压 ,
避雷器 ,
电磁暂态仿真软件 ,
Abstract :Silicon carbide (SiC) arrester and zinc oxide (ZnO) arrester are the main equipment for overvoltage protection. In this paper, a new type of overvoltage protection device based on SiC and ZnO valve plates and its combination method were analyzed. power system computer aided design (PSCAD) simulation software was used to simulate the possible lightning accidents in the actual substation. The characteristics of voltage and current on SiC arrester, ZnO arrester and the new type of over voltage protection device were analyzed. The energy and temperature rise absorbed by the three types of arresters were comprehensively compared. The simulation results showed that the performance of the new over voltage protection device was better than that of SiC arrester and ZnO arrester.
Key words :
power system computer aided design (PSCAD)
simulating calculation
收稿日期: 2019-02-21
出版日期: 2019-09-12
作者简介 : 张龙(1988-),男,硕士研究生,工程师,主要研究方向为电力设备的状态检测和故障诊断技术。
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Zhang Long, Huang Ting. Simulation study of new overvoltage protection device based on hybrid valve plate. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(9): 52-58.
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