Abstract:With the development of motors in the direction of high power density, high overload capacity and high-speed miniaturization, motor losses and temperature rise continue to increase, which seriously affects the operating efficiency, reliability and life of the motor. A single basic cooling system can no longer meet the cooling needs of high power density motors. A hybrid high-efficiency heat dissipation system that integrates multiple heat dissipation technologies is an important technical means to suppress the current temperature rise of the motor and improve the stability of the motor operation. This paper first introduces the advantages, disadvantages and application scope of air-cooled and liquid cooled basic cooling systems, and then points out the limitations of single cooling system and the necessity of using hybrid cooling system. Then the hybrid cooling system is classified according to the principle of reducing thermal resistance. The application effect of different hybrid cooling systems for high power density motor is compared and analyzed, and the design guide of hybrid cooling system for high power density motor is given. Finally, the development trend of hybrid cooling system for high power density motor is predicted and prospected.
朱婷, 张雨晴, 李强, 王俞, 耿伟伟. 高功率密度电机混合型散热技术综述[J]. 电气技术, 2022, 23(8): 1-16.
ZHU Ting, ZHANG Yuqing, LI Qiang, WANG Yu, GENG Weiwei. Overview of hybrid cooling system for high power density motor. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(8): 1-16.
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