钟炜1 , 黄贵凤2 , 刘琦1
1. 四川省电力公司资阳供电公司,四川 资阳 641300; 2. 资阳阳光电力设计公司,四川 资阳 641300
Process Optimum on the Modification of Integrated Substation Automation System
Zhong Wei1 , Huang Guifeng2 , Liu Qi1
1. The Sichuan Ziyang Power Supply Company, Ziyang, Sichuan 641300; 2. Ziyang Sunshine Power Design Company, Ziyang, Sichuan 641300
摘要 针对变电站综合自动化改造过程中设备停电时间与施工时间之间的矛盾问题,提出在设备改造过程中,将可以不停电的工作、采取措施后可以不停电的工作放在停电前、停电后完成,以减少停电期间的工作量。并以某110kV变电站综合自动化系统改造为例,说明采用该技术方案的应用过程,评价采用该方案所收到的效果。
关键词 :
变电站 ,
综合自动化系统 ,
设备改造 ,
Abstract :In view of the contradiction between equipment outage time and construction time in the modification of integrated substation automation system, it be put out on the modification process that the work can’t need power outage or the work can’t need power outage by taking appropriate measures will be completed before or after power outage. And it can reduce the workload during the outage. An example of a 110kV substation integrated automation system modification is lifted to indicate the application process of this scheme, and to evaluate the received effect by using this scheme.
Key words :
integrated automation system
equipment modification
process optimum
出版日期: 2015-07-20
作者简介 : 钟炜(1982-),男,硕士研究生,工程师,主要从事变电站继电保护试验与检修。
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Zhong Wei, Huang Guifeng, Liu Qi. Process Optimum on the Modification of Integrated Substation Automation System. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(07): 129-131.
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