陈桂友, 朱何荣, 熊慕文, 刘永钢
南京南瑞继保电气有限公司,南京 211102
Analysis of Measuring Voltage Jump in BCU in HVDC Converter Station
Chen Guiyou, Zhu Herong, Xiong Muwen, Liu Yonggang
NARI-Relays Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102
摘要 测控装置在变电站综合自动化系统中发挥着不可替代的作用。测控装置采集并上送的测量数据是状态估计、潮流分析等应用的数据来源。因此保证测量数据的稳定可靠具有重要意义。结合一起直流换流站测控装置测量电压跳变的实例,分析了测量数据跳变的原因。并通过理论分析和实测数据给出产生遥测跳变是因为频率混叠的结论。最后给出相应的处理措施,具有较高的现场指导意义。
关键词 :
测控装置 ,
采样 ,
频率混叠 ,
Abstract :The bay and control unit plays an irreplaceable role in the integrated automation system of the substation. The measured data of bay and control unit is data sources of the state estimation, power flow analysis and other. Therefore, it is important to ensure the stability and reliability of the measurement data. Based on the example of Measuring Voltage Jump in BCU in HVDC Converter Station, analyzes the reasons of measurement data jump. It is given that the jump is caused frequency aliasing by the theoretical analysis and the measured data. Finally, the corresponding treatment measures are given, which has a high field guidance significance.
Key words :
bay and control unit
frequency aliasing
full wave effective value
出版日期: 2015-12-09
作者简介 : 陈桂友(1978-),男,江苏扬州人,工程师,从事变电站自动化系统、数字化变电站系统研发工作。
陈桂友, 朱何荣, 熊慕文, 刘永钢. 一起直流换流站测控装置测量电压跳变实例分析[J]. 电气技术, 2015, 16(12): 139-141.
Chen Guiyou, Zhu Herong, Xiong Muwen, Liu Yonggang. Analysis of Measuring Voltage Jump in BCU in HVDC Converter Station. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(12): 139-141.
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