任小超1 , 刘丛洲2
1. 云南华电金沙江中游水电开发有限公司,昆明 650228; 2. 国网镇江供电公司,江苏 镇江 212000
The Application and Equipment Selection of the Ahai Hydropower-Plant Static Excitation System
Ren Xiaochao1 , Liu Congzhou2
1. Yunnan Huadian Jinsha River Hydropower Development Co., Ltd, Kunming 650228; 2. SGCC Zhenjiang Power Supply Company, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212000
摘要 本文介绍了阿海水电厂静态励磁系统的组成和功能,并通过计算阿海水电厂励磁系统的几个重要参数而确定重要设备的选型,为静态励磁系统在大型水电厂的运行管理奠定更扎实的基础。
关键词 :
励磁系统 ,
功能 ,
参数计算 ,
Abstract :In the article, introduced the composition and function of the Ahai Hydropower-Plant static excitation system, and determined important equipment selection by the calculation of several parameterr of the Ahai Hydropower-Plant static excitation system, To lay a more solid foundation for the operation and management of the static excitation system in the large-scale hydropower plants.
Key words :
excitation system
parameter calculation
equipment selection
出版日期: 2015-12-09
作者简介 : 任小超(1986-),男,贵州遵义人,学士,助理工程师,长期从事水电生产技术管理工作。
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Ren Xiaochao, Liu Congzhou. The Application and Equipment Selection of the Ahai Hydropower-Plant Static Excitation System. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(12): 157-159.
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