彭光斌1 , 李阳2 , 黄培东1
1. 西华大学电气与电子信息学院,成都 610039; 2. 国网四川大邑县供电有限责任公司,成都 611300
The Research of the Optimization Allocation of Distributed Generation with Static Voltage Stability Index Considered
Peng Guangbin1 , Li Yang2 , Huang Peidong1
1. School of Electrical Engineering and Electronic Information, Xihua University, Chengdu 610039; 2. Dayi Sichuan Power Supply Co., Ltd, Chengdu 611300
摘要 为了研究在考虑静态电压稳定性情况下,配网中分布式电源的优化布置问题。基于IEEE 33节点配电网络和Matlab仿真测试软件平台,以分布式电源(Distributed Generation,DG)接入总容量最大为目标函数,以静态电压稳定指标L(Voltage Stability Index)为约束条件,应用自适应粒子群算法(Adaptive Mutation Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm,AMPSO)对配电网络中DG的选址和定容进行优化。优化结果得出了配电网络中最优的DG布置方案,同时满足了配电网络电压稳定和分布式电源容量最大的要求,该研究对配网中分布式电源的规划提供了积极的指导意义。
关键词 :
分布式电源 ,
配电网络 ,
静态电压稳定指标 ,
自适应粒子群算法 ,
IEEE 33节点 ,
Abstract :In order to research the optimization allocation of Distributed Generation in distribution network with the static voltage stability index considered. The platform of Distribution Network of IEEE 33 nodes and Matlab simulation software based on the Distributed Generation in a total capacity of maximum as the objective function, the static voltage stability index L as the constraint conditions, using the adaptive particle swarm optimization algorithm of DG in Distribution Network location and sizing optimization. The conclusions obtained from the test system satisfy the static voltage stability index and the Maximum capacity of DG, which may be available for distributed generation connecting and planning in distribution networks.
Key words :
distributed generation
distribution network
static voltage stability index
adaptive mutation particle swarm optimization algorithm
IEEE 33 nodes
Matlab simulation software
出版日期: 2016-11-24
作者简介 : 彭光斌(1990-),男,四川达州人,硕士研究生,从事电力系统继电保护及分布式电源并网电压稳定性问题的研究工作。
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Peng Guangbin, Li Yang, Huang Peidong. The Research of the Optimization Allocation of Distributed Generation with Static Voltage Stability Index Considered. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(11): 48-52.
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