金尧, 王瑜, 胡庆虎
国网天津城南供电公司,天津 300201
Risk Assessment of Generation and Transmission System Considering Intermittent Energy
Jin Yao, Wang Yu, Hu Qinghu
State Grid Tianjin Chengnan Electric Power Supply Company, Tianjin 300201
摘要 以风电为代表的可再生能源具有的间歇性和波动性等特点,使其在并网过程中,特别是大规模并网过程中,给电网带来了巨大的安全性隐患。本文针对新能源波动对发输电系统造成的风险进行评估,建立了含新能源的发输电系统的风险评估模型来量化风险损失,并且在系统调度模型中加入可靠性指标,为全面评估新能源并网风险提供了一种可行方法,并为电网经济调度和风场规划提供了参考。
关键词 :
新能源 ,
可靠性 ,
优化调度 ,
Abstract :Renewable energy, such as wind power, brings risks to the grid, especially when there is a large scale of grid-connected capacity, because of its intermittent and uncontrollable characteristics. The risk caused by renewable energy is assessed in this paper. A risk evaluation model is introduced into wind power risk assessment to quantify the risk loss. System stability factor is added to dispatch target function. This study provides a practical measure to assess the risk of new energy power system and can assist the economic dispatch and wind farm design.
Key words :
new energy
optimal dispatch
risk assessment
出版日期: 2017-05-23
作者简介 : 金 尧(1991-),男,硕士,主要研究方向为电网检修计划优化与新技术应用。
金尧, 王瑜, 胡庆虎. 考虑间歇性能源的发输电系统风险评估[J]. 电气技术, 2017, 18(5): 68-70.
Jin Yao, Wang Yu, Hu Qinghu. Risk Assessment of Generation and Transmission System Considering Intermittent Energy. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(5): 68-70.
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