颜全椿, 杨宏宇, 李辰龙
江苏方天电力技术有限公司,南京 211102
Setting Calculation Method of Power Plant Relay Protection in IEC Inverse Characteristic Stage Difference Coordination
Yan Quanchun, Yang Hongyu, Li Chenlong
Jiangsu Frontier Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102
摘要 在发电厂继电保护中反时限继电器可根据故障电流的大小自动选择延时动作时间,从而起到阶段过流保护作用,节省保护配置成本。本文针对发电厂中厂用电系统的不同反时限继电器配置不统一,从而对整定计算造成配合困难的不足,提出适用于不同IEC反时限特性的整定方法。首先,比较不同IEC反时限特性的性能;然后,考虑发电厂上下级之间级差配合要求,提出定时限与反时限保护的配合曲线;最后,某百万机组厂用电继电保护中反时限配合PSO优化整定案例表明,本文所提方法能够满足级差配合要求。
关键词 :
发电厂 ,
继电保护 ,
反时限特性 ,
整定计算 ,
Abstract :The inverse time characteristic relays in power plant can chose the action time automatically according to the fault current, which saving the cost of the protection configuration. Due to the not unified of inverse time characteristic relays for plant power system. Firstly, compare the performance of the different IEC inverse time characteristics. Then, considering the stage difference coordination between upper and lower part of equipment, the inverse time characteristics coordination curve was proposed. Finally, a case of setting calculation for power plant inverse time characteristic coordination by particle swarm optimization algorithm was proposed, which meeting the requirements of stage difference coordination.
Key words :
power plant
relay protection
inverse time characteristic
setting calculation
stage difference coordination
出版日期: 2017-05-23
作者简介 : 颜全椿(1989-),男,硕士,主要研究方向为继电保护调试与整定计算。
颜全椿, 杨宏宇, 李辰龙. 发电厂继电保护中IEC反时限特性级差配合的整定计算方法[J]. 电气技术, 2017, 18(5): 63-67.
Yan Quanchun, Yang Hongyu, Li Chenlong. Setting Calculation Method of Power Plant Relay Protection in IEC Inverse Characteristic Stage Difference Coordination. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(5): 63-67.
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