郑冉, 夏彦辉, 赵学茂, 黄畅想, 董宸
阳光电源(南京)有限公司,南京 210012
Integrated virtual power plant based on cloud-edge-terminal collaborative control
ZHENG Ran, XIA Yanhui, ZHAO Xuemao, HUANG Changxiang, DONG Chen
Sungrow Power Supply (Nanjing) Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210012
摘要 新型电力系统的建设与发展对电网的安全稳定运行提出了更高的要求,虚拟电厂(VPP)作为一种高级能源组网形态,可有效增强电网的灵活调节能力。首先,提出基于云-边-端协同控制的综合型虚拟电厂架构,分为就地层、边缘层和集中控制层,分层分区对分布式能源(DER)进行整合与控制;其次,分析VPP参与调峰、调频和调压等电力辅助服务的运行模式,构建考虑调度成本和调节性能的数学模型;然后,剖析VPP参与电网紧急控制的可能性,并讨论VPP与稳控系统的交互逻辑;最后,指出VPP发展的重要意义及其未来的研究方向。
关键词 :
虚拟电厂(VPP) ,
辅助服务 ,
电力系统安全稳定 ,
调峰调频 ,
Abstract :The construction and development of new power system put forward higher requirements for the safe and stable operation of power grid. Virtual power plant (VPP), as an advanced energy network form, can effectively enhance the flexible adjustment ability of power grid. Firstly, an integrated virtual power plant architecture based on cloud-edge-terminal collaborative control is proposed, which is divided into stratum, edge layer and centralized control layer, and integrates and controls the distributed energy resources (DER) in stratified zones. Secondly, the operation mode of VPP participating in power auxiliary services such as peak regulating, frequency regulating and voltage regulating is analyzed, and the mathematical model considering the dispatching cost and regulating performance is constructed. Then, the possibility of VPP participating in power grid emergency control is analyzed, and the interaction logic between VPP and stability control system is discussed. Finally, the significance of the development of VPP and the future research direction of virtual power plant are pointed out.
Key words :
virtual power plant (VPP)
ancillary services
power system security and stability
peak regulation and frequency modulation
distributed energy resources (DER)
收稿日期: 2023-07-05
作者简介 : 郑 冉(1991—),男,江苏南京人,硕士,工程师,研究方向为电力系统分析和控制、虚拟电厂。
郑冉, 夏彦辉, 赵学茂, 黄畅想, 董宸. 基于云-边-端协同控制的综合型虚拟电厂[J]. 电气技术, 2023, 24(9): 40-48.
ZHENG Ran, XIA Yanhui, ZHAO Xuemao, HUANG Changxiang, DONG Chen. Integrated virtual power plant based on cloud-edge-terminal collaborative control. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(9): 40-48.
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