汪元鑫, 苏瑾, 胡金高
福州大学电气工程与自动化学院,福州 350108
Research on on-board charging system for electric vehicle
Wang Yuanxin, Su Jin, Hu Jin’gao
Fujian Fuzhou University, College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou 350108
摘要 本文提出一种与电动汽车驱动电路融合的单相多重单级充电机拓扑结构。该拓扑结构利用驱动的电机绕组电感作为充电回路的升压电感,采用单级结构,使得该拓扑结构体积小,成本低;运用交错并联技术,减小输入电流纹波和谐波;采用三闭环控制策略,稳定充电电压和电流,保证网侧电流正弦化且与功率因数为1。仿真结果证明了该单极拓扑结构与充电控制性能可满足车载充电系统的要求。
关键词 :
电动汽车 ,
驱动融合 ,
单相多重 ,
Abstract :This paper, in view of the deficiencies exiting in the current vehicle charging systems, proposes a single-phase multi-charger topology that is integrated with driving system of electric vehicles. In this topology, the winding inductance of driving motor is served as the boosting inductance of the charging loop and a single-stage structure is adopted to make the topology small in size and low in cost; interleaved parallel technology is adopted to reduce input current ripple and harmonics; Three closed loop control strategy is employed to stabilize the charging voltage and to ensure the sinusoidal waveform of grid side current and keep it in phase with the input voltage. Simulation results show that the monopolar topology and charging control performance can be adapted to the requirements of vehicle charging system.
Key words :
electric vehicle
drive fusion
single phase multiple
charging current control
收稿日期: 2018-12-07
出版日期: 2019-07-16
基金资助: 福建省自然科学基金(2017J01747)
作者简介 : 汪元鑫(1994-),男,江西省萍乡市人,硕士研究生,主要从事电动汽车驱动与充电一体化方面的研究工作。
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Wang Yuanxin, Su Jin, Hu Jin’gao. Research on on-board charging system for electric vehicle. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(7): 5-8.
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